Working Women

Book : Working Women

Author : * Nanneke Redclift * M.Thea Sinclair

Language : English

Library : Women

Publish Place : New York

Publisher : Routledge

Book Type : Book

Book Number : 1502


List of contributors Preface
1 Women, work and skill: economic theories and feminist perspectives
M. Thea Sinclair
2 Gender and library work: the limitations of dual labour market theory
Maura Luck
3 Images and goods: women in retailing
Adelina Broadbridge
4 Shop floor control: the ideological construction of Turkish women factory workers Yildiz Ecevit
5 Prostitution and tourism in South-East Asia Wendy Lee
6 Return to the veil: personal strategy and public participation in Egypt
Homa Hoodfar
7 Women in struggle: a case study in a Kent mining community
Avril Leonard
8 Women shop stewards in a county branch of NALGO
Jenny Walton
9 Money and power: evaluating income generating projects for women
Joy Lyon

10 Greek women and tourism: women's co-operatives as an alternative form of organization
Mary Castelberg-Koulma
11 A feminist business in a capitalist world: Silver Moon Women's Bookshop
Jane Cholmeley
Name index Subject index