Advences in Methods of Fertility Regulation

Book : Advences in Methods of Fertility Regulation

Language : English

Library : Population

Publish Place : Geneva

ISBN : 92 4 120575 X

Publish Date : 00 1975

Publisher : World Health Organization WHO

Book Type : Report

Book Number : 3610


1. Introduction .............................
2. Steroidal combination oral contraceptives with less than SO ug ethinyl estrogen content ...............................
2.1 Rationale for use ........................
2.2 Potency .............................
2.3 Efficacy in clinical trials ......................
2.4 Assessment of contraceptive effectiveness ..............
2.5 Side effects ...........................
3. Effects of estrogen-progestogen combined oral contraceptives on vitamin metabolism ..............................
3.1 Vitamin A ...........................
3.2 Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) ......................
3 . 3 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) .....................
3.4 Vitamin C ............................
3.5 Folic Acid ...........................
3.6 Vitamin B12 ...........................
4. Postcoital estrogens ..........................
4.1 Efficacy ............................
4.2 Dosage .............................
4.3 Side effects ...........................
4.4 Safety .............................
4.5 Parenteral administration .....................
5. Low-dose progestogen oral contraceptives ................
5 . 1 Rationale for use ........................
5.2 Efficacy ............................
5 . 3 Mechanism of action .......................
5.4 Clinical side effects .......................
5.5 Metabolic effects .......... ..........
5.6 Incidence of tubal pregnancy during use ...............
6. Return of fertility after discontinuation of contraceptive steroids ......
6.1 Estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives ..............
6.2 Progestogen-only oral contraceptives ................
6.3 Injectable contraceptives .....................
7. Prostaglandins in fertility control ....................
7.1 For contraception ........................
7.2 For termination of pregnancy ...................
7.3 Comparison of hypertonic saline and prostaglandins for termination of pregnancy ............................
8. Recommendations ...........................
Annex 1. Reports of meetings of WHO Scientific Groups on various aspects of fertility regulation published in the WHO Technical Report Series . . .
Annex 2. Selected bibliography ......................