World PopulationTrends And Policies-II

Book : World PopulationTrends And Policies-II

Language : English

Library : Population

Publish Place : New York

Volume : II

Publish Date : 00 1982

Publisher : United Nations

Book Type : Report

Book Number : 3861


Volume II
Explanatory notes...........................................
Introduction. Chapter
XX. natural increase of the population..............................
A. Developed countries..........................................
B. Developing countries..........................................
XXI. mortality, morbidity and health policies.........................
A. Developed countries..........................................
B. Developing countries..........................................
C. Emerging policy trends, issues and problems......................
XXII. fertility.......................................................
A. Developed countries...........................................
B. Developing countries..........................................
XXIII. international migration........................................
A. Area of responsibility of Economic Commission for Africa...........
B. Area of responsibility of Economic Commission for Europe..........
C. Area of responsibility of Economic Commission for Latin America
D. Area of responsibility of Economic Commission for Western Asia.....
E. Area of responsibility of Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific .................................................
ANNEX Statistical data: tables 38-52.................................................