Health statistics

Book : Health statistics

Language : English

Library : Social Phsician

Publish Place : Danimarka

ISBN : 92 890 1209 9

Publish Date : 00 1981

Book Number : 4384


1. Introduction...................................
2. Need and demand for and utilization of health services...........
2.1 Health interview surveys..........................
2.2 Matching needs with resources......................
2.3 Primary care ................................
2.4 Health status and its indicators......................
3. Resource allocation in health care.......................
3.1 National health accounts.........................
3.2 Costing care modules...........................
3.3 Manpower planning data base.......................
3.4 Econometric models............................
4. Challenges facing health information systems . ................
4.1 Master plan.................................
4.2 Ad hoc and current data..........................
4.3 Evaluation..................................
4.4 Presentation of statistics and feedback .................
5. Conclusions....................................
6. Recommendations................................
Annex I National health accounts - Dr J. T.P. Bonte ADrW.G. Oosterhoff .
Annex II Costing of health care modules -DrH. Poulsen...........
Annex III List of participants............................