
Book : Pneumoconıosıs

Language : Turkish

Library : Health-Safety-Environment

Publish Place : Almanya

Publish Date : 00 1968

Original Language : Turkish

Book Type : Book

Book Number : 4390


1. Introduction
2. Epidemiology and pneumoconiosis statistics
3. Pneumoconiosis in the community
4. Treatment of pneumoconiosis
5. Rehabilitation
6. Compensation .
7. Measurement of dust exposure
8. Dust Control
9. Summary of conclusions
ANNEX I Pneumoconiosis statistics
ANNEX II Measuring dust exposure - Mr W. H. Walton
ANNEX III Classification of chest radiographs and its application to the epidemiology of pneumoconiosis - Dr J.C. Gilson
ANNEX IV Assessment of lung futiction in silicosis and mixed-dust pneumoconiosis - Dr F. Lavenne
ANNEX V Community effects of pneumoconiotic dusts -
Professor I. J. Selikoff
ANNEX VI Pneumoconiosis of coalworkers: results, problems and practical consequences of recent research - Professor W, Klosterkotter
ANNEX VII Vocational rehabilitation of persons suffering from pneumoconiosis - International Labour Organisation
ANNEX IX List of working documents
ANNEX X List of other documents and publications used
ANNEX XI Participants