The Health Aspects Of Urban Development

Book : The Health Aspects Of Urban Development

Language : English

Library : Social Phsician

Publish Place : Almanya

Publish Date : 00 1974

Book Number : 4401


1. Introduction......................
1. 1 Opening session.................
1.2 Contributions by international agencies.......
1.3 The role of WHO in the health aspects of urban development...................
2. Socio-economic, cultural, demographic and epidemiological aspects of urban development..............
2. 1 Plenary presentation................
2.2 Working group and plenary discussions.......
3. Environmental health in the context of urban development .
3. 1 Plenary presentation................
3.2 Working group and plenary discussion........
4. Health service aspects of urban development......
4.1 Plenary presentation................
4.2 Working group discussion............
5. Integrated planning and management, information systems and evaluation in urban development...........
5. 1 Plenary presentation...............
5.2 Working group and plenary discussions......
6. Co-ordination aspects of urban development within the context of regional development............
6. 1 Plenary presentation...............
6.2 Working group discussion............
7. Conclusions from working group discussions......
7.1 Introduction...................
7.2 Specific conclusions................
7. 3 Proposals for action by the World Health Organization
8. Selected bibliography..................
ANNEX I The World Health Organization' s interest in the
health aspects of city planning - Mr J.N. Lanoix
ANNEX II Environmental health in the context of urba.n
development - Professor L. Mendia.....
ANNEX III Programme of the Seminar.........
ANNEX IV Guidelines for working group discussions
ANNEX V List of working papers and background documents
ANNEX VI List of facilities visited...........
ANNEX VII List of participants